What Is The Most Dangerous Hike in Switzerland?

Switzerland is one of the most diverse hiking countries in the world.
From the best hikes in Switzerland for beginners to advanced alpine climbs, the country offers a wide range of trails for all experience levels. 
But what is the most dangerous hike in Switzerland and how tough is it?
Let’s explore some of Switzerland’s most advanced hikes, including a breakdown of the most challenging trail.

What is the Most Dangerous Hike in Switzerland?

The Hardergrat hike in Switzerland is often considered one of the most dangerous and challenging hikes in the country. It’s renowned for its stunning views of the Bernese Oberland, Lake Thun, and Lake Brienz, but it's not for the faint of heart. 
Here are some details about this challenging trail.

Hardergrat Hike Overview

The Hardergrat trail is a ridge walk that extends from Harder Kulm to Schynige Platte, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and lakes. 
The hike is approximately 27 kilometres long, and while the distance may not seem daunting, it's the exposed ridge and technical terrain that make it perilous.


There are a couple of reasons why this is generally considered the most dangerous hike in Switzerland. Some of the most tricky sections include:
  • Narrow Ridge: The trail consists of a narrow ridge with steep drops on either side. Hikers often find themselves walking on a path that is only a few feet wide, with steep, rocky slopes on both sides.

  • Exposure to Heights: The exposure to heights is significant. At certain points, there are sheer drops of several hundred meters, requiring a steady nerve and a good head for heights.

  • Technical Sections: The hike involves some technical sections, including scrambling over rocks and navigating through challenging terrain. Hikers need to be comfortable with using their hands for balance and climbing.

technical climb in switzerland
Navigating a technical climb in Switzerland.

What to Expect

The Hardergrat offers unparalleled views of the Swiss Alps, Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau peaks, as well as the lakes Thun and Brienz. The scenery is awe-inspiring but can be distracting due to the challenging nature of the trail.
Weather conditions can change rapidly on this trail, and hikers should be prepared for sudden shifts in temperature, wind, and visibility. Proper gear, including sturdy hiking boots and layered clothing, is essential. So, make sure you know what to wear for hiking in Switzerland.

Experience Required

Although it’s tricky to establish exactly which trail is the most dangerous hike in Switzerland, the Hardergrat hike definitely requires some serious experience.
Here’s what you need for doing this hike:
  • Advanced Hiking Skills: The Hardergrat is not recommended for novice hikers. Those attempting the trail should have advanced hiking skills, including experience with exposed and technical terrain.

  • Physical Fitness: The hike is physically demanding, requiring a good level of fitness. Hikers should be prepared for a full day of strenuous activity.

  • Comfort with Heights: Given the exposed nature of the ridge, comfort with heights and a lack of vertigo are crucial.

Safety Precautions

Being labelled as the most dangerous hike in Switzerland, it’s essential that you’re well-prepared when attempting this hike.
Start early to allow ample time to complete the hike before dark and to avoid afternoon thunderstorms.
The best time of year to hike in Switzerland is typically in the summer, which is especially important for hikes like this as you have extended daylight hours and fewer weather risks.
Carry a map, compass, and/or GPS device, as the trail can be challenging to navigate, especially in adverse weather conditions. Keep an eye on weather forecasts, and be prepared to turn back if conditions deteriorate.
In summary, the Hardergrat hike is a thrilling but perilous adventure that demands a high level of skill, fitness, and confidence. Hikers should prioritize safety, be well-prepared, and respect the challenging nature of the trail.
challenging swiss hiking trail
Switzerland boasts a range of challenging hikes.

8 Advanced Hikes in Switzerland

While the Hardergrat hike may be considered the most dangerous hike in Switzerland, there are many challenging hiking routes in Switzerland.
With its high altitude, steep peaks, and harsh weather conditions, Switzerland offers a wide range of difficult hiking trails. Here are some of the best options for advanced hikers.

1. Eiger Trail

The Eiger Trail, nestled in the Bernese Oberland, promises an exhilarating adventure for seasoned hikers. 
Embarking from the iconic Eiger North Face, the trail weaves through challenging terrain, navigating steep ascents and rocky passages. As you ascend, the landscape transforms, revealing panoramic vistas of the surrounding peaks, including the Jungfrau and Mönch. 
The trail demands a keen sense of balance and agility, with sections that require careful negotiation. Hikers will find themselves immersed in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Alps, making this trail a must for those seeking both a physical and visual challenge.

2. Matterhorn Glacier Trail

For those craving the ultimate alpine experience, the Matterhorn Glacier Trail beckons with its majestic views and technical demands.
While there are various options for hiking the Matterhorn in Switzerland, this trail is not for the faint-hearted. It involves glacier crossings and sections that require mountaineering skills. 
As you navigate the challenging terrain, the iconic Matterhorn in Switzerland looms ahead, creating a surreal backdrop. The high-alpine environment adds an element of unpredictability, with weather conditions and glacier movement requiring constant vigilance. 
This is an expedition that pushes hikers to their limits, rewarding them with an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and breathtaking views.
A view of the Matterhorn.

3. Haute Route

Embark on the legendary Haute Route, a multi-day trek that spans the stunning landscapes from Chamonix in France to Zermatt in Switzerland. If you plan on trekking Switzerland’s Alps, then this is one of the most challenging routes on offer.
This traverse is a grand adventure, taking hikers through high-altitude terrain, across glaciers, and over challenging passes. Each day presents a new set of obstacles, demanding not only physical endurance but also expert navigation skills. 
The diversity of the landscape, from lush valleys to stark alpine expanses, makes this trek a true test of a hiker's resilience and adaptability. 
The Haute Route is a journey that immerses adventurers in the heart of the Alps, offering an unforgettable experience that transcends the ordinary.
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4. Zinalrothorn Traverse

The Zinalrothorn Traverse, situated in the Pennine Alps, is a mountaineer's dream, blending technical climbing with awe-inspiring panoramas. 
The trail unfolds with steep ascents, exposed ridges, and glacier crossings, demanding a comprehensive skill set. As you ascend, the surrounding peaks reveal their majesty, creating a sense of isolation and connection with the raw beauty of the mountains. 
Hikers navigate challenging rock sections and crevassed glaciers, making this traverse a true alpine challenge. The reward is not just the summit but an intimate encounter with the alpine environment that defines Switzerland's mountainous allure.
challenging hiking conditions in switzerland
Challenging hiking conditions in Switzerland.

5. Zermatt Five Lakes Walk

Dive into the technical intricacies of the Zermatt Five Lakes Walk, where the seemingly serene landscape conceals a trail that demands both skill and determination. 
Though not characterized by extreme altitude, this hike weaves through rocky passages and exposed sections, testing hikers' agility and comfort with heights. The journey unveils a series of alpine lakes, each reflecting the grandeur of the Matterhorn. 
Negotiating steep and challenging sections, hikers are rewarded with not only physical accomplishment but also the visual spectacle of iconic peaks mirrored in pristine alpine waters. 
The Zermatt Five Lakes Walk is a testament to Switzerland's ability to seamlessly blend technical challenges with breathtaking beauty.
The Matterhorn behind a lake.

6. Monte Rosa Circuit

Embark on the Monte Rosa Circuit, a multi-day trek circumnavigating the Dufourspitze, Switzerland's highest peak. This is one of the best multi-day hikes in Switzerland for experienced trekkers.
This alpine journey is a symphony of challenges, including glacier travel, high-altitude ascents, and technical terrain. As you traverse the circuit, the landscape morphs from lush valleys to barren icefields, offering a dynamic and demanding experience. 
Hikers must demonstrate a keen understanding of glacier safety and navigation, making this circuit a rite of passage for those seeking a serious alpine adventure. 
The Monte Rosa Circuit is a testament to Switzerland's diverse mountainous terrain, where each turn reveals a new facet of this captivating landscape.

7. Grand Combin Traverse

The Grand Combin Traverse is an amazing alpine hike in the heart of the Pennine Alps. This traverse, reserved for the experienced mountaineer, unfolds with steep ascents, exposed ridges, and glacier crossings. 
The technical complexity is complemented by unparalleled views of surrounding peaks, creating a surreal ambience. Hikers negotiate challenging rock sections and crevassed glaciers, showcasing the raw beauty of the alpine environment. 
The Grand Combin Traverse is a fusion of technical expertise and alpine splendour, making it a pinnacle experience for those who seek both challenge and visual grandiosity.
swiss mountain hiking trail
Swiss mountain hiking trails.

8. Tödi (Piz Russein) Traverse

Embark on the Tödi (Piz Russein) Traverse, an ascent to the highest peak in the Glarus Alps. 
This alpine challenge involves technical climbing, demanding a profound understanding of rock and ice. As hikers ascend, the surrounding peaks unfold in a mesmerizing panorama, showcasing the rugged beauty of the Glarus Alps. 
The traverse requires a strategic approach, with sections of exposed ridges and rocky outcrops. 
The Tödi Traverse is an exploration of both physical and mental fortitude, rewarding hikers with not just a summit victory but an intimate connection with the alpine environment.
well-marked swiss hiking trails
Hiking in Switzerland can also be ideal for beginners.

What You Need to Know for Advanced Hikes in Switzerland

Embarking on advanced hikes in Switzerland requires careful preparation and a keen understanding of the challenges presented by alpine terrain. 
Here are some advanced hiking tips for Switzerland.

Check Weather Conditions

Swiss weather in mountainous regions can be unpredictable. 
Before setting out, check the weather forecast and be prepared for sudden changes. Afternoon thunderstorms are common in the Alps, so plan your hikes to avoid being caught in adverse weather conditions.

Practice Technical Skills

Many advanced hikes in Switzerland involve technical elements such as rock scrambling, glacier travel, and exposed ridges. Ensure you have the necessary skills and experience or consider hiring a local guide for routes that require expertise in areas like rope work and crevasse rescue.
You could always go on a guided via ferrata tour to help you sharpen up your technical skills while exploring the longest Via Ferrata in Switzerland.

Invest in Quality Gear

Equip yourself with high-quality hiking gear suitable for alpine conditions. Sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support, waterproof and breathable clothing, trekking poles, and a well-fitted backpack are essential. 
If your hike involves glacier travel, consider bringing crampons and an ice axe.

Carry a Map and Navigation Tools

Advanced hikes may take you through less-travelled routes with limited signage. 
Carry a detailed map, a compass, and possibly a GPS device to navigate accurately, especially in areas with complex topography.

Understand Altitude Effects

Switzerland's high-altitude terrain can lead to altitude-related issues. Acclimatize gradually, stay hydrated and be aware of symptoms like headache, nausea, and dizziness. If you experience severe symptoms, descend to lower elevations.
suspension bridge matterhorn switzerland
An intimidating bridge on a Swiss hike.

Inform Others of Your Plans

Before heading out, inform someone reliable about your hiking plans, including the route, expected return time, and emergency contacts.
In case of unforeseen circumstances, this information can be crucial for search and rescue operations.

Respect Wildlife and Environment

Switzerland's pristine alpine environment is home to diverse flora and fauna. Follow Leave No Trace principles, stay on designated trails, and respect wildlife by observing from a distance. Always do whatever you can to minimize your impact on the delicate ecosystems.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

At higher elevations, dehydration can occur more quickly. Carry an adequate supply of water and energy-rich snacks. 
Consider the length and intensity of the hike when planning your food and water provisions.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Carry a basic first aid kit and be prepared to handle common injuries. In case of emergencies, know the location of emergency shelters along your route. Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and rescue procedures.

Follow Good Trail Etiquette

On popular trails, practice good trail etiquette. Yield to uphill hikers, minimize noise and follow any specific rules posted along the trail.

Consider Guided Hikes

If you're not confident in your skills or the trail is particularly challenging, consider joining a guided Switzerland tour led by our experienced and vetted local guides at Skyhook Adventure. They can enhance your experience while ensuring safety.
Remember, safety is paramount on advanced hikes. Take the time to adequately prepare, know your limits, and enjoy the breathtaking beauty that Switzerland's advanced trails have to offer.
switzerland hiking
Beautiful views from a Swiss Alps hike.


Before attempting the most dangerous hike in Switzerland, make sure that you’re well prepared. In fact, make sure that you’re well prepared for any hike in the country, and that you understand the limits and challenges that await you on the trail. 
If you’re an advanced hiker, then Switzerland offers a wide range of amazing hikes to explore. If you’re a novice, then there are still all kinds of hikes you can enjoy. So, get out there and get exploring - Switzerland is an amazing country for any keen hiker!

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