Get Trail-Ready: A Comprehensive Tour Du Mont Blanc Training Plan

Embarking on the Tour du Mont Blanc is a dream for many adventurers, but at Skyhook, we’ve learned it’s crucial to have a solid training plan to make the most of this epic journey. 
Let’s provide you with a comprehensive Tour du Mont Blanc training plan that will physically and mentally prepare you.

Crafting Your Tour du Mont Blanc Training Plan

landscape tour du mont blanc
If you are dreaming of beautiful views like this, the first step is to get in shape!
Whether you’re eyeing our 4-day Highlights Trek or gearing up for the full 10-day Tour du Mont Blanc adventure, a well-crafted training plan is your ticket to an unforgettable Tour du Mont Blanc experience. Let’s dive into the essential components that will prepare you for the trek of a lifetime.

Why Training Matters

10 Day TMB
A steeper section on the 10-day TMB route.
Training isn’t just about building muscle or increasing your stamina; it’s about preparing for the unique challenges of the Tour du Mont Blanc route. Neglecting a proper training regimen can make your dream trek gruelling. Here’s why training is non-negotiable:
  • Steep Ascents and Descents: The trail includes steep uphill and downhill sections that can be tough on your knees and require strong leg muscles.

  • High Altitude: With elevations reaching over 2,500 meters, the altitudes of Tour Du Mont Blanc can affect your breathing and energy levels.

  • Long Trekking Days: Both our Highlights and 10-day treks involve several hours of hiking each day, demanding endurance and mental fortitude.

  • Variable Weather Conditions: From hot sunny days to sudden rain showers, being physically prepared helps you adapt to changing weather.

  • Heavy Backpack: You’ll carry essentials, adding an extra layer of physical challenge to the trek.

Training equips you to handle these challenges easily, making your Tour du Mont Blanc trek manageable and truly enjoyable.

Types of Exercises to do for Tour du Mont Blanc

Here are the typical exercises we recommend you include in your training regime. The level of fitness you need will depend on how many days the Tour Du Mont Trek you choose is.

Hiking and Cardio Training

The best type of training for TMB is doing some hiking in the mountains beforehand.
Cardiovascular fitness is the cornerstone of any successful Tour du Mont Blanc trek. Here’s how to build that essential endurance and strength:
  • Practice Hikes: Local trails offer the best simulation of the Tour du Mont Blanc experience. They help you gauge your current fitness level and adapt your training accordingly. Start with shorter hikes and gradually increase the distance and elevation. Wear the gear you plan to use on the trek to get accustomed to it.

  • Daily Exercise Routines to Build Strength and Endurance: Daily routines help you build the muscle and stamina needed for the trek. Incorporate a mix of cardio exercises like running, cycling, and swimming, along with strength training exercises focusing on the legs, back, and core.

  • Build Aerobic Endurance: Aerobic endurance ensures that your body can efficiently use oxygen, which is crucial for long treks at higher altitudes. Include long-duration, low-intensity exercises in your routine. Activities like long-distance running, swimming, or cycling are excellent for building aerobic endurance.

Remember, the goal is to prepare your body for the specific challenges of the Tour du Mont Blanc, so make your training as varied and trek-specific as possible.
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Strength and Core Training

backpack tmb
Carrying your belongings on your back is no easy feat! We recommend you practice walking with a weighted backpack.
While cardio gets you through the distance, your strength and core will help you quickly navigate the Tour du Mont Blanc’s varied terrains. Here’s how to focus on these crucial areas:
  • Simple Exercises to Build Strength: Building strength, particularly in your legs and back, will help you tackle steep ascents and descents without straining your muscles. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts into your routine. Aim for at least 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise.

  • Core Work for Balance: A strong core improves your balance and stability, especially when navigating uneven terrains or carrying a backpack. Include core exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises in your training. Aim for 3 sets of each exercise, holding or repeating as long as you can maintain good form.

By focusing on strength and core training, you’ll prepare for the trek’s physical challenges and improve your overall hiking posture and endurance.

Gear and Equipment Training

Training with the gear you’ll use on the Tour du Mont Blanc helps you get accustomed to the weight of your backpack and the feel of your boots, ensuring there are no unpleasant surprises on the trail. 
Start by packing your backpack with the essentials you’ll carry on the trek and wear it during your practice hikes. And speaking of wear, don’t forget to break in those new boots and backpacks. 
New gear can be stiff and uncomfortable, leading to blisters and sore spots. By breaking them in ahead of time, you’re not just preparing your gear for the trek; you’re preparing yourself for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Mental Preparation

group tmb
Joining a group for this hike can offer extra mental and emotional support when you need it.
While physical training is crucial, mental preparation is equally important for conquering the Tour du Mont Blanc. Long-distance trekking is as much a psychological challenge as a physical one. 
Developing mental endurance helps you push through fatigue, adapt to changing conditions, and maintain a positive outlook. Techniques like mindfulness, visualisation, and even simple breathing exercises can be powerful tools in your mental training arsenal. 
Remember, your mind can be your greatest ally or your biggest obstacle on the trail, so train it well.

Suggested Tour du Mont Blanc Training Plan

Here’s a week-by-week Tour du Mont training guide to get you trail-ready.


Cardio Training

Strength Training

Core Work

Mental Exercise

Rest Days


20-min jog

Squats (3x12)

Plank (30s)




30-min jog

Lunges (3x12)

Leg Raise




40-min jog

Deadlifts (3x12)

Russian Twist

Breathing Exercises



1-hr hike

Squats & Lunges

Plank & Leg Raise

Mindfulness & Visualisation



1.5-hr hike

Deadlifts & Squats

Russian Twist & Plank

Breathing Exercises & Mindfulness



2-hr hike

Full-body workout

Full Core Routine

All Techniques



2.5-hr hike

Full-body workout

Full Core Routine

All Techniques



3-hr hike

Full-body workout

Full Core Routine

All Techniques



Embarking on the Tour du Mont Blanc is a Switzerland adventure that challenges both body and mind. With the right training plan in hand, you're not just surviving the journey—you're thriving in it. So lace up those boots, pack that backpack, and set out for the adventure of a lifetime.

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