Travel Advice Albania: Everything You Need To Know Before You Go

Albania is becoming an increasingly popular travel destination, with loads on offer for its visitors. By being prepared with up-to-date travel advice for Albania, anyone will have an amazing time in this country.
Whether you’re planning to hike the peaks of the Balkans or relax in a resort on the Riviera, Albania really has something for everyone. To help you make the most of your trip, this quick guide will cover essential travel advice for Albania that you need to know.

Can You Go To Albania On Holiday?

Yes, you can definitely take a holiday in Albania! It is a beautiful country located in the Balkans, known for its impressive mountain peaks in the north, its stunning coastline along the Adriatic and Ionian seas, as well as its rich history and diverse culture.
In Albania, you can explore ancient ruins, visit picturesque villages, relax on pristine beaches, and hike in breathtaking mountain landscapes. Popular destinations include the capital city of Tirana, the historic city of Berat (known as the "City of a Thousand Windows"), the ancient city of Butrint (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), and the stunning Albanian Riviera.
Albania offers a range of accommodation options to suit every budget, from luxury resorts to cosy guesthouses. The country is also quite affordable compared to many other European destinations, making it an attractive option for travellers.

What Do You Need to Travel to Albania?

Before we get into detailed travel advice for Albania, let’s first cover the basics. Here’s a list of what you’ll need before you travel to Albania.


Needless to say, you’ll need a passport before you travel.
Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Albania.

Visa (If Applicable)

Check whether you need a visa to enter Albania based on your nationality.
Many countries, especially those from the European Union, the United States, Canada, and some others, do not require a visa for short stays (usually up to 90 days). However, it's essential to check for any updates on this information before your trip.

Entry Requirement Documents

Check for any specific entry requirements, such as proof of onward travel or a return ticket, travel insurance, or sufficient funds to cover your stay.
While Albania doesn't typically require travellers to show proof of these items upon entry, it's always a good idea to have them handy in case they're requested.

Travel Insurance

While not mandatory, it's always recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unexpected events during your stay in Albania.
Make sure you research your options to understand what kind of coverage you can get before heading out on your trip to Albania.

Cash in Local Currency

Albania's official currency is the Albanian lek (ALL). While some establishments may accept euros or other major currencies, it's best to have some local currency for smaller purchases and transactions.

Travel Advice Albania: 10 Things to Know Before You Go

Albania is an increasingly popular tourism destination, which means the country is pretty well set up for travellers. However, it's still important that you’re well-prepared for your trip.
Let’s cover some essential travel advice for Albania to help make your travels easier.

1. Language

The official language of Albania is Albanian. While English is spoken in tourist areas and by younger generations, it's helpful to learn some basic Albanian phrases or carry a phrasebook for smoother communication, especially in rural areas where fewer locals speak English.
Albanians are very warm and friendly, and if they hear you trying to speak their local language, they’ll definitely be impressed. While you can easily get by only speaking English, learning a few basic Albanian phrases can help you connect with the friendly locals, make a few friends, and generally make your travel experience more immersive and fun.
To get you started, here are 10 words and phrases to know.

2. Transportation

Albania has a good network of buses, minibuses, and furgons (shared vans) that provide transportation between cities and towns.
Rental cars are also available, but roads may be narrow and winding in some areas. If you plan to get to more hard-to-reach areas (like some remote Albania mountains), we recommend renting a car or taking a guided tour that covers transportation.
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3. Accommodation

Albania offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels, guesthouses, hostels, and vacation rentals.
As mentioned earlier, it's advisable to book accommodation in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. Don't neglect to book in advance when visiting the charming, smaller villages as well, such as the ones you might pass on the Hidden Valley trek through the Zagoria Valley.

4. Best Time to Visit

The best time to travel Albania is typically during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is mild, and tourist crowds are thinner. Summer (July to August) is popular for beach vacations but can be quite hot and crowded.
The winter months may not be ideal for most tourism activities, but you can enjoy some winter sports, like skiing, in the snowy mountains at this time. Overall, there’s never really a bad time to visit Albania, but make sure you plan your trip carefully based on the activities you plan to do.

5. Weather

Albania experiences a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.
Coastal areas enjoy warm temperatures, while inland regions, especially in the mountains, might be cooler and receive more rainfall.
If you plan to go hiking in the Albanian Alps, make sure you pack the right gear for cold, high-altitude conditions. The highest mountain peaks are typically capped with snow, and weather conditions can change dramatically in the mountains. So, try to be prepared for all seasons when doing a long mountain hike.
Albania adventure holidays

6. Safety

Albania is generally a safe destination for travellers. However, you’ll still need to follow normal precautions, like being aware of your surroundings, avoiding isolated areas at night, and protecting your belongings against pickpocketing, which is more common in crowded tourist locations than anywhere else.
Follow regular common sense while you travel through Albania, and safety should not be a concern for your trip.
Of course, if you plan to do outdoor activities like hiking or rafting in Albania, then make sure you’re well aware of any safety precautions you need to take. Save local emergency numbers, and try to go with experienced guides if you’re unsure of the area.

7. Health and Medical Facilities

Medical facilities in major cities are generally good, but they may be limited in rural areas. Make sure you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and consider bringing any necessary medications with you.
This is especially important if you plan to spend your time in Albania exploring the more remote areas of the country - such as hiking through the Albanian Alps.

8. Exploring Nature and Culture

Albania is famous for its stunning natural landscapes, including mountains, beaches, and national parks. There are also plenty of rich cultural heritage sites such as ancient ruins, Ottoman architecture, and heritage sites.
Some of the best travel advice for Albania is to get outside and explore these amazing places. Don't limit your trip to urban areas, and make sure you schedule some time in the mountain ranges and national parks.
The country is full of natural gems, and spending plenty of time outdoors will certainly make your trip more enjoyable.

9. Cultural Etiquette

As is the case with travelling to any foreign country, you’ll need to respect local customs and traditions. This includes dressing modestly when visiting religious sites and asking for permission before taking photographs of people.
Note that in Albania, shaking your head from side to side means "yes", while nodding means "no"! This is likely the complete opposite of what you know if you come from the West, so try to keep an eye out for this. It may be the bit of knowledge that saves you from taking a wrong turn!
You’ll find Albanian people to be very warm and welcoming, so you shouldn’t have any trouble fitting into the local culture.

10. Staying Connected

As you’d expect from any country right now, Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels, restaurants, and cafes in urban areas. You’ll be able to stay connected pretty much wherever you go.
We recommend purchasing a local SIM card for internet access and communication while travelling in Albania. This is especially important if you plan to explore the more remote areas of the country.
However, be aware that signal can be limited when exploring the Albanian mountains.


Follow this travel advice for Albania, and you’ll be sure to have an amazing trip - no matter what you get up to in this awesome country.
If you’ve never visited Albania before, then we highly recommend taking a guided tour. This lets you experience the best parts of the country while knowing that all your travel plans are taken care of. Check out the range of exciting Albania tours we offer at Skyhook to help you make the most of your trip.

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