When Is The Best Time To Visit The Dead Sea In Jordan?

Planning to travel to Jordan? Then you’ll probably be scheduling some time in the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea is one of the greatest attractions in this awesome country - and for good reason. 
At Skyhook, we offer various Jordan tours like our combined Petra, Wadi Rum and Dead Sea tour, and stopping to float in the Dead Sea is always a highlight. 
To help plan your trip, let's break down the best time to visit the Dead Sea, as well as answer any other questions you might have.
Floating in the Dead Sea is a bucket list experience.

When is the Best Time to Visit Dead Sea Jordan?

The Dead Sea region in Jordan boasts unique beauty and therapeutic properties that attract visitors throughout the year. However, the best time to visit the Dead Sea in Jordan largely depends on personal preferences and the type of experience you seek.

Spring (March to May)

This season offers mild temperatures, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities like hiking and exploring the surrounding areas. The weather is pleasant, not too hot, and not as crowded as the peak tourist season.

Autumn (September to November)

Similar to spring, autumn provides comfortable temperatures, making it another good time to visit. The weather is pleasant for sightseeing and outdoor activities, and there are fewer tourists compared to the summer months.

Summer (June to August)

Summer can be extremely hot in the Dead Sea region, with temperatures soaring well above 40°C (104°F). 
Despite the heat, many tourists visit during this time for the unique experience of floating in the hypersaline waters. If you can tolerate the heat, take necessary precautions against the sun and heatstroke.

Winter (December to February)

The Dead Sea area experiences milder winters compared to other parts of Jordan. While the temperatures might drop, it remains relatively warmer compared to many other destinations during winter. It's less crowded during this time, but some outdoor activities might be limited due to the cooler weather.
Ultimately, the best time to visit the Dead Sea in Jordan depends on your tolerance for heat and your preferred activities. 
If you aim to enjoy the Dead Sea's therapeutic benefits and float in its waters, summer might be suitable despite the high temperatures.
For more comfortable weather and outdoor exploration, spring and autumn are preferable. Regardless of the season, make sure to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun.
the dead sea
The best time to visit the Dead Sea depends on your personal preferences.

Why Visit the Dead Sea Jordan?

The Dead Sea is without a doubt one of the best places to visit in Jordan. Here’s why you need to go.

Natural Wonder

The Dead Sea is one of the world's most extraordinary natural wonders. It's the lowest point on Earth and is famous for its incredibly high salt content, which allows visitors to effortlessly float on its buoyant waters. 
This buoyancy is a remarkable and fun experience that draws people from around the globe.

Therapeutic Properties

The Dead Sea is renowned for its therapeutic properties due to its high mineral content, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium. 
Many people visit to benefit from the healing properties of its mud and water, which are believed to be beneficial for various skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as for overall skin rejuvenation.

Stunning Scenery

The landscape around the Dead Sea in Jordan is stunning. 
Surrounded by rugged mountains, the contrast between the salt-encrusted shoreline and the deep blue waters against the arid desert landscape creates a visually captivating scene that photographers and nature enthusiasts appreciate.
swimming in jordan
Tourist cooling off in the Dead Sea.

Historical and Cultural Sites

The Dead Sea region in Jordan is steeped in history and boasts several significant historical and cultural sites. 
Nearby attractions include the ancient fortress of Masada, Qumran Caves (where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered), and various archaeological sites that add depth to the visit.
It’s also within relatively close distance to other top tourism sites in Jordan, like the Wadi Rum desert and Aqaba. 

Wellness and Spa Resorts

There are numerous luxury resorts and spas along the Dead Sea's Jordanian coastline that offer visitors the chance to indulge in relaxation and wellness treatments. 
These resorts provide a range of spa services utilizing the Dead Sea's mud and mineral-rich waters, ensuring a rejuvenating and pampering experience.

Adventure Activities

Beyond relaxation and wellness, the Dead Sea region offers various adventure activities such as hiking trails, desert excursions, and opportunities for exploring the natural beauty of the area. 
Adventurers can engage in activities like trekking, canyoning, and exploring nearby attractions like Wadi Mujib, known as the "Grand Canyon of Jordan." If you plan to do a Jordan Trail hike, you’ll also pass along the Dead Sea.
Visiting the Dead Sea in Jordan provides a unique blend of natural beauty, historical significance, wellness opportunities, and adventure activities, making it a must-visit destination for travellers seeking a diverse and memorable experience.
dana biosphere reserve
Accommodation in the Dana Biosphere Reserve.

Where to Visit the Dead Sea in Jordan

The Dead Sea spans a pretty large section of coastline, so there are various areas in Jordan where you can go to experience it. Here are some of the best options. 
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Dead Sea Panoramic Complex

  • Location: The Dead Sea Panoramic Complex is situated along the Dead Sea Highway (Route 65) in Jordan. It's approximately a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from Amman, the capital city.

  • How to Get There: Visitors can reach the Dead Sea Panoramic Complex by car or taxi from Amman. It's a well-marked location along the Dead Sea Highway. Alternatively, many tour operators offer guided trips to this viewpoint.

The complex offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Dead Sea and the surrounding landscapes.
Visitors can access observation decks to admire the stunning scenery, take photographs, and learn about the geological and historical significance of the Dead Sea through informative displays.

Dead Sea Beaches (e.g., Amman Beach, Kalia Beach)

  • Location: Amman Beach and Kalia Beach are popular spots along the Dead Sea coastline. Amman Beach is about a 45-minute drive from Amman, while Kalia Beach is further north along the Dead Sea.

  • How to Get There: Visitors can reach these beaches by car or taxi from Amman. Both beaches are accessible via the Dead Sea Highway (Route 65). Some hotels and resorts also provide shuttle services to private beach areas.

These beaches offer access to the Dead Sea's salty waters and therapeutic mud. Visitors can float effortlessly due to the high salt content. Facilities often include changing rooms, showers, and restaurants.
Both public and private beach areas cater to tourists seeking relaxation and the unique experience of floating and swimming in the Dead Sea.
Qumran Caves (wikimedia commons)
Qumran Caves, Jordan.

Biblical and Historical Sites (e.g., Masada, Qumran Caves)

  • Location: Masada and the Qumran Caves are historical sites near the Dead Sea. Masada is in Israel but is accessible from the Dead Sea area in Jordan via guided tours. The Qumran Caves are closer, located on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank.

  • How to Get There: For Masada, guided tours are available from the Dead Sea area in Jordan, typically involving border crossings. The Qumran Caves can be reached by car or taxi from the Dead Sea region.

Masada is an ancient fortress with remarkable views overlooking the Dead Sea. Qumran Caves are where the Dead Sea Scrolls, significant historical manuscripts, were discovered. Both sites offer historical and cultural insights into the region's past.
Stay safe while floating in the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea Jordan Travel Advice

Besides finding the best time to visit the Dead Sea in Jordan, there are a few other things you should keep in mind before you go on a solo travel trip in Jordan or group tour. 

Stay Hydrated

The Dead Sea region has a hot and arid climate. It's crucial to stay hydrated, especially during the hotter months. 
Drink plenty of water, avoid prolonged sun exposure, and use sunscreen to protect your skin.

Float Safely

Floating in the Dead Sea is a unique experience due to its high salt content, but it's essential to do so cautiously. 
Avoid getting water in your eyes or mouth, as it can cause discomfort. Don't shave or have open cuts before entering the water, as the salt can sting.
jordan accommodation
Choose comfortable accommodation during your stay in Jordan.

Choose Accommodation Wisely

There are numerous hotels, resorts, and spas along the Dead Sea coastline. Research and choose accommodations that suit your preferences and offer the amenities you desire, such as private beach access, spa treatments, or guided activities.

Respect Cultural Norms

Jordan is a culturally rich country with certain customs and norms. Dress modestly, especially when leaving beach areas or visiting religious sites. Respect local traditions and be mindful of Jordanian customs and etiquette.

Explore Beyond the Dead Sea

While the Dead Sea is a highlight, don't miss out on other attractions nearby. Visit historical sites like Masada or the Qumran Caves, explore nature reserves such as Wadi Mujib, or take desert excursions to discover the diverse landscapes and experiences the region offers.

Health and Safety Precautions

Carry essentials like a first-aid kit, insect repellent, and any necessary medications. Be cautious when hiking or exploring rugged terrains. 
In case of any medical emergency, know the nearest medical facilities or contact information for assistance. Having good travel insurance for Jordan is also a good idea for when you visit.

Respect the Environment

Help preserve the natural beauty of the Dead Sea region by disposing of waste responsibly. Avoid damaging or removing any natural elements, and adhere to designated trails when exploring nature reserves or hiking areas.

Travel Documentation and Safety

Ensure you have all necessary travel documents, including a valid passport and any required visas. Keep copies of important documents in a secure location and be mindful of your belongings to prevent theft or loss.

Local Guidance and Tours

Consider hiring local guides or joining organized tours for a deeper understanding of the region's history, culture, and natural heritage. These are our best travel tips for Jordan: local experts can provide valuable insights and enhance your overall experience.
The Dead Sea, Jordan.


Visiting the Dead Sea in Jordan is a fun and rewarding experience. Between the natural beauty, the wellness properties of the water, and the unique floating sensation, every kind of traveller will enjoy a trip to this stretch of unique Jordanian coastline.
Choose the best time to visit Jordan with us at Skyhook Adventure, and your trip will be even more rewarding.

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